September, 2022
As I write this, Liz Truss has just been officially appointed as the new Prime Minister [Edit: didn't think this would date so quickly!] and is busy trying to make a good impression in her first week in a new job – something I’m sure we can all relate to.
For the last few days, social media channels have been awash with content relating to the leadership contest, analysing everything the final two candidates have said and done, and even what they were wearing. I’ve read entire articles about Truss’s navy blue dress and seen many clips of her exclaiming ‘pork markets’ to a confused audience, and then getting lost when she left the stage. It’s not a great look for the new PM but when so much of your life is photographed and recorded, there are bound to be some unflattering clips out there.
Picture by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street.
These days your personal brand can be just as important as an organisation’s, whether you’re a national figure or simply a business person trying to get on with an everyday job. Most of us don’t have to put up with the same personal scrutiny as politicians, but that’s nothing new. When I was young Spitting Image was incredibly popular – in fact, the rubber-faced puppets taught me the basics of politics, as well as satire.
Just a few hours after Rishi Sunak discovered he would not be the new PM, a recruitment company had splashed his face across mobile billboards in London with the caption ‘Didn't get the job? Find one that works for you’. I saw a mixed response online with a lot of people finding it very funny but a few saying it was too soon, and it wasn’t fair to him.
My view is that if you’re in politics, you should expect a certain amount of criticism and that may extend to a little ridicule. It wasn’t a personal attack as such, and the recruitment company took quick action to gain widespread exposure for their brand.
In the week following the Lionesses’ historic win at Wembley, ITV News Meridian interviewed me about Maidstone-born Alessia Russo’s personal brand. I’m sure it will be the first and last time I’ll ever be asked to comment on a story relating to football but I did get quite into the Women’s Euros.
A few weeks beforehand I’d never heard of Alessia Russo but after winning the Goal of the Tournament for her backheel shot, her name was on the tip of everyone’s tongues. I’m sure she – along with the rest of the team – was offered all kinds of opportunities but I like the fact they haven’t been overexposed since winning the championship. They’ve done so much for women’s football but I hope they’re being well-advised on which sponsorship opportunities to take advantage of and which brands to align themselves with.
A screenshot from my interview with ITV News Meridian - with some not so subtle messages about what we do in the background.
There are plenty of would-be influencers around who would love to have the world’s eyes on them but fortunately, it’s something most of us don’t need to worry about. That’s not to say you should always ‘act like nobody’s watching’ as most business people will have clients and colleagues to consider.
I think it’s important to have a personality both on and offline, and I can’t help a little of mine creeping into the company brand. That said, I’m relatively careful about how I conduct myself, even on personal accounts, as I know I can be easily linked to Maxim. I also know my parents may well be reading, which is always a reason to be on best behaviour.
Rachel Knight
Maxim / Director
posted in: media relations, reputation management,
Public consultation for new factory gets under way
The final touches are being made to a public consultation for Royal British Legion Industries’ ambitious plans for a new factory and head office at Aylesford in Kent.
January, 2025 more
Maxim helps nail support for Ironmonger Yard
Securing planning permission for a prominent derelict site at the end of an historic high street is always going to be a challenge. Maxim was part of the team that recently saw a major residential scheme in Rochester gain approval from Medway Council’s Planning Committee.
November, 2024 more
Renewed interest in renewables from new Government
Labour came to power with a manifesto that said they will work with the private sector. We look at the plans to double onshore wind, triple solar power, and quadruple offshore wind by 2030 and consider what it might mean in terms of communications and community engagement.
October, 2024 more
The importance of handling crisis comms correctly
Every organisation, regardless of size or industry, is susceptible to crises that can potentially tarnish their reputation and even threaten their very existence.
March, 2024 more
How good is your attention to detail?
Erica Jones, Account Director at Kent-based PR, marketing and public affairs agency Maxim, is here to tell you about the importance of attention to detail.
March, 2024 more
Constructing a case for development
The construction industry is vitally important to the economy in the South East. There are some fantastic companies, but too often before a spade can be put in the ground there’s the need to navigate the court of public opinion, and that requires good communication from the start.
October, 2023 more
Kent journalists’ worst moments
We asked Kent journalists to describe the worst or most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to them in their jobs. We got such a variety of answers – from the genuinely traumatic to those that made us gasp or laugh out loud.
October, 2023 more
Effective public relations is much more than simply media relations – the value of a press release goes beyond just sending it to the media. It’s about utilising the reach of all available channels to communicate with your target audience(s) and key stakeholders.
August, 2023 more
Understanding the political landscape
A key part of our work involves advising clients on the political landscape, and how best to engage with local stakeholders. MD Andrew Metcalf gives an insight into what recent political changes might mean for local businesses as we edge closer to the General Election.
August, 2023 more
Andrew Metcalf, Managing Director of Kent PR, marketing and public affairs agency Maxim, considers what it takes to demonstrate you’re a good company.
August, 2023 more
Erica Jones, Account Director at Kent-based PR, marketing and public affairs agency Maxim, considers when something is – and isn't – news.
June, 2023 more
Finalists unveiled for Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2023
The finalists for the ninth annual Kent Press & Broadcast Awards (KPBA) have now been revealed, after the team of independent judges personally reviewed almost 100 entries across 14 categories.
June, 2023 more
Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2023 open for entries
The Kent Press & Broadcast Awards (KPBA), the not-for-profit scheme designed to celebrate and reward local journalism, is now open for entries.
March, 2023 more
Cost of living crisis sees scaled-back Christmas ads
As Christmas fast approaches, brands are vying for our attention more than ever but with the cost of living crisis a real concern, this year seems a little different.
December, 2022 more
What are FAQs and why do I need them?
Frequently asked questions can be a valuable business tool, writes Maxim Account Director Erica Jones, if you take the time to prepare and share them.
November, 2022 more
Professional photography is a cost-effective investment
We all know a picture speaks a thousand words. Erica Jones, Account Director at Kent PR, marketing and public affairs agency Maxim, wants to know how many of you acknowledge this fact when marketing your business?
August, 2022 more
Don’t over-complicate your message
Erica Jones, Account Director at Kent-based PR, marketing and public affairs agency Maxim, explains the importance of press releases and how to use them.
July, 2022 more
Your marketing is great, but how are your internal communications?
Are your communications overlooking an important audience? Erica Jones, Account Director at PR, marketing and public affairs agency Maxim, explains.
May, 2022 more
P&O Ferries’ reputation is lost at sea
The scandalous sacking of P&O Ferries’ 800 staff with immediate effect has damaged its reputation locally and nationally. Can the company recover, and who else has been damaged?
March, 2022 more
Own goal scored by shambolic European Super League announcement
The recent announcement of the proposed European Super League (ESL) has been an unmitigated PR disaster for the clubs involved and their billionaire owners. While Maxim can’t lay claim to having ever made such a large announcement, Director Andrew Metcalf considers what tactics could help prevent companies snatching PR defeat from the jaws of victory when making their own announcements.
April, 2021 more
Maxim ensures story is on the right track for publicity
A fundamental basic of public relations is getting the story to the media in the most efficient and effective manner. Andrew Metcalf, Director of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, explains more and shares a recent success story, which demonstrates why PR is more than “just” a press release.
April, 2021 more
Maxim helps secure major Kent planning permission
The world’s largest privately owned industrial developer recently secured a major planning success, with a little help from Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim.
March, 2021 more
How do you secure positive press coverage during a pandemic?
Having a sense for what makes news is fundamental to achieving positive press coverage. Combined with longstanding media contacts and an ability to write a press release, great PR – like great comedy – is also about the timing, says Andrew Metcalf, Director of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim.
March, 2021 more
Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2021 open for entries
The annual Kent Press & Broadcast Awards (KPBA), the not-for-profit scheme designed to celebrate and reward local journalism and organised by Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, is now open for entries.
March, 2021 more
Trust – the bedrock for business
Trust is at the heart of every decision we take, whether it’s the technology we buy, the car we drive, the business we buy from or recommendations to others – or the politicians we vote for. Andrew Metcalf, Director of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, considers what it means for business.
February, 2021 more
Winners announced for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2020
The sixth annual Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony took a different shape this year as the winners of more than 30 awards were announced during a virtual ceremony.
November, 2020 more
Protecting the integrity of your brand in times of crisis
Maintaining the integrity of your brand should be a key consideration for any organisation and it is often during a crisis that the matter requires the greatest attention, writes Philip Jones, Director at Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim.
October, 2020 more
A UK first, a sex trap and big stink – a recipe for strong editorial coverage
Having a ‘UK first’ is often an advantage when trying to secure media interest, add in a sex angle and a possible dystopian future, and you have the basis for a strong news piece. Maxim director Andrew Metcalf recently had the pleasure of helping to tell one such story for our client NIAB EMR.
August, 2020 more
For the safety of all involved, the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony is going virtual for 2020.
August, 2020 more
Difficult times for business publications
The demise of a publication that for many years was an integral part of the regional business community gives Andrew Metcalf, a Director at Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, cause to reflect.
August, 2020 more
Big public backing for Biggleston Yard, Canterbury
Securing public support for a £30m Kent city centre investment to support the project team’s path through the planning process is one of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim’s latest success stories, writes Andrew Metcalf, the Director who led the community and stakeholder engagement activity.
August, 2020 more
Successful bid strengthens Maxim client
Raising awareness of what an organisation does, and how it makes a difference, can help secure influential advocates and have a major impact on the success of a business. Maxim director Andrew Metcalf considers a case in point, client NIAB EMR
July, 2020 more
Extension to submission date for Kent Press & Broadcast Awards entries
In recognition of the strange times we find ourselves in, the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards entry deadline has been extended
June, 2020 more
Change of submission date for Kent Press & Broadcast Awards entries
In a bid to give all journalists a fair opportunity to enter the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards, the entry deadline has been extended.
April, 2020 more
Top tips for becoming a valued media spokesperson
The media is constantly on the lookout for credible spokespeople to respond to enquiries, often resulting in interviews in print, on radio, and on television. Andrew Metcalf, Director at PR and marketing agency Maxim, offers some advice on becoming – and proving yourself – a valued spokesperson for the media.
March, 2020 more
Protecting your reputation during the Covid-19 outbreak
Every business should be considering the possible impact of Coronavirus on how they operate during the ongoing uncertainty.
March, 2020 more
Sometimes words need to be serious, other times they need to be friendly and relaxed. Erica Jones, account manager at Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, considers the importance of language when sharing your story.
February, 2020 more
What is a video press release?
A video press release, or a video news release, is filmed as a news report to then be issued to the media. Much like the written version, a video press release should be produced in a style that will make it easy for the media to use.
August, 2019 more
Adventure golf putts media management to the test
An ambitious client project saw Account Manager Erica Jones of PR and marketing agency Maxim juggling TV stations and interviews in an intense day of filming. Here she explains why even when the story is effortlessly spread, there’s still a lot of work to be done.
August, 2019 more
Winners announced for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2019
Kent’s media gathered for the fifth Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony where more than 30 awards were presented to recognise work in broadcast, digital and print journalism.
July, 2019 more
RBLI enlists Maxim for centenary push
2019 sees Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI) celebrate 100 years of improving lives every day, and Maxim has been recruited by the military charity to help mark the milestone.
February, 2019 more
With a little help from our friends
As a leading Kent PR, marketing and public affairs agency, Maxim’s role often involves working in partnership with our clients’ stakeholders.
October, 2018 more
Is the pun soon to be a thing of the past in the world of PR, its demise hastened by the onward march of search engine driven content?
August, 2018 more
Winners announced for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2018
Awards have been presented in 15 categories to recognise the efforts of print, broadcast and digital journalists at this year’s Kent Press & Broadcast Awards (KPBA).
July, 2018 more
Are you looking after your brand?
It’s a small thing, but your company logo plays a massive part in identifying your business. Erica Jones reminds us why it’s important to look after your logo.
May, 2018 more
Using public relations to make sure succession planning is a success
Succession planning is a challenge often overlooked until it's too late. Andrew Metcalf believes that public relations has an important role to play in helping the transition to go as smoothly as possible.
May, 2018 more
Free Kent on Sunday pays ultimate price
For the first time in more than 15 years, there was no edition of Kent on Sunday this weekend after its owners, Archant, took the decision to close it. Andrew Metcalf looks back at the rise, and unfortunate fall, of the award-winning newspaper.
December, 2017 more
Widespread media coverage for latest plans for new Lower Thames Crossing
Maxim has helped engage with business and secure strong media coverage for the latest design for the new Lower Thames Crossing.
November, 2017 more
Maxim helped secure national media coverage for client Markerstudy Leisure and its venue Bewl Water when Sir Malcolm Campbell’s restored Bluebird K3 was rolled out for a public test day.
September, 2017 more
Winners announced for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2017
Print, broadcast and digital journalists, as well as photographers and designers, were recognised in 14 categories at this year’s Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony.
July, 2017 more
Shortlist for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2017 Announced
Fourteen categories, 129 entries and six judges - the #KPBA finalists have been announced.
May, 2017 more
Timing is (almost) everything in media relations
In PR – as in life – timing is not quite everything but it can play an important role in how much coverage a story receives.
May, 2017 more
President Trump’s PR spokesperson - the toughest PR job just got tougher
Press secretary to President Trump, Sean Spicer has just made his life so much harder by not following the fundamental rules of PR. Andrew Metcalf, director of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, examines what’s behind the epic media fail and how things might be turned around.
January, 2017 more
Regional media and free press could be the casualties of new legislation
If you could take someone who annoyed you to court with no fear about the costs, would you do it? Andrew Metcalf, director of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, considers the potential consequences of Section 40 on the nation’s media, including the county’s own regional press.
December, 2016 more
Freebies: Good marketing tool or a waste of money?
There’s something about the word free that draws people in, but do we actually need, want or use those items we’ve hastily grabbed? Erica Jones from Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim looks at the benefits or otherwise of the free gift.
November, 2016 more
Public relations and positivity
Public relations focusses on the positive side of your work, explains Erica Jones of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim.
November, 2016 more
Protecting your reputation in a crisis
Any organisation, no matter how well run, can face a potential public relations crisis. How the situation is handled can make a significant difference to its impact.
September, 2016 more
Tips for taking photos for the press
A good picture can tell – or even sell – a story so as a PR agency Maxim always advises clients to use a professional photographer whenever possible. But what if you don't have the time or the budget?
September, 2016 more
Winners of the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2016 announced
More than 100 guests gathered to celebrate the best of the county’s media at the second Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony.
July, 2016 more
Relive the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony 2016
The best of the tweets using #KPBA before, during and after the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony.
July, 2016 more
Politician defends a journalist – shock horror
Does it matter if someone is offended by a reporter’s line of questioning? Andy Rayfield, account director at Kent PR and public affairs agency Maxim, says he believes journalists have every right to ask probing questions
June, 2016 more
How to prepare to face the television cameras
Being interviewed by the media can be a daunting experience, being interviewed on film can make it even more nerve-racking. Erica Jones of PR and marketing agency Maxim offers some advice to help you get it right.
May, 2016 more
Finalists announced for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards 2016
See how the #KPBA finalists reacted when we announced the shortlist.
May, 2016 more
The importance of local newspapers
With bloggers, social media, fanzines and citizen reporters creating a wealth of content, is local journalism still necessary?
May, 2016 more
Public relations versus marketing
What is the difference between public relations and marketing? Erica Jones of PR and marketing agency Maxim explains
April, 2016 more
Last minute rush secures bumper awards entries
Proving journalists love an impending deadline, 57 per cent of the 147 entries for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards were submitted either the day before or on the closing date for submissions.
April, 2016 more
The secret to organising a group photograph
Erica Jones of PR and marketing agency Maxim offers some advice on gathering up important people for that must-have group photograph.
March, 2016 more
How can small businesses build a strong reputation in the media?
Andrew Metcalf, director of Kent PR and public affairs agency Maxim, will be sharing some of his knowledge on building a reputation in the media next week.
March, 2016 more
With the demise of the print edition of The Independent and the arrival of a new newspaper named New Day, Andrew Metcalf considers the ever-changing media landscape.
February, 2016 more
Cathy Newman to host Kent Press & Broadcast Awards
Journalist and broadcaster Cathy Newman will host this year’s Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony in July.
February, 2016 more
Volkswagen in reputational car crash
A good reputation is vital when it comes to business. Andrew Metcalf, director of Kent PR and marketing agency Maxim, considers the challenges now faced by Volkswagen’s PR team.
September, 2015 more
FIFA scandal undermines brand of beautiful game
News of arrests at FIFA’s headquarters in Geneva by FBI agents sent the media into a frenzy of activity, calling into question the reputation of the beautiful game. Football fan Andy Rayfield considers some interesting questions.
May, 2015 more
Kent and Medway’s Local Election results
The country may not have witnessed a political earthquake on the scale predicted by Nigel Farage, but few saw the prospect of a Conservative majority for David Cameron nationally.
May, 2015 more
All about Awards – from publicising to entering
It’s important for businesses to shout about their achievements which is why Kent PR agency Maxim encourages clients to get involved in award schemes. Account Director Andy Rayfield explains our role.
April, 2015 more
Securing editorial coverage – the role of the case study
Case studies can be the perfect way to demonstrate the value of your product or service, explains Andrew Metcalf, Director of Kent PR agency Maxim
April, 2015 more
Find out how to secure media coverage for your business
Maxim’s Andrew Metcalf has teamed up with Chris Price, the KM Group’s business editor, to present a workshop at the West Kent B2B exhibition and conference.
March, 2015 more
Looking back to the launch of Manchester United champagne
Do you remember when we helped to launch Manchester United champagne? Alison Hardy, Account Director for Kent PR agency Maxim, looks back to the 90s and her time socialising with the players
February, 2015 more
Then and now: Getting your message to the media
Philip Jones, Director of Kent PR agency Maxim, looks at how times have changed in the life of the humble press release – and how they haven’t.
January, 2015 more
Why 'no comment' is not the answer
If a journalist asks you a question, there is very rarely an occasion when ‘no comment’ is the right answer.
January, 2015 more
New client is a #lidlsurprise for Maxim
We all know ranking high on Google is good for business, but having a good enough website to keep prospective clients – and the work capability to live up to your promise – are equally important. Fortunately, Maxim had all three when we recently landed a little project with a big name.
October, 2014 more
Early engagement improves planning prospects
Getting embroiled in a battle with local residents is both costly and can significantly delay development on site. Developers need to get their community engagement right first time if they are to avoid a lengthy and expensive appeal.
September, 2014 more
PR skills put to the test in local newsroom
As the media is constantly changing it is vital for PR agencies to keep up to date with how journalists work. Rachel Knight, account director at Maxim, spent the afternoon in a busy newsroom to soak up the atmosphere.
August, 2014 more
Gaining excellent PR experience for the future
Another summer of providing work experience to students kicks off with Chloe Choudray. Here she shares her thoughts on her week at Kent PR agency Maxim.
July, 2014 more
PR has to be earned - it’s not free
There is no such thing as free PR. Businesses who think that PR is free rarely, if ever, get the full benefit of it as a way of building trust and engaging with their customers.
June, 2014 more
How does PR link with digital?
Andrew Metcalf has recently spoken about the relationship between PR and digital at Digital in Kent and West Kent B2B. Here he outlines the lifecycle of a news story, from first tweeted rumour to full press coverage.
June, 2014 more
A Barnes-tormer of a PR disaster
Asked by BBC Radio Kent to join them in the studio, Maxim’s Andrew Metcalf watched as the Kent & Medway Police & Crime Panel quizzed Ann Barnes on the reasoning behind her decision to take part in the now infamous C4 ‘Meet the Commissioner’ programme. He then went on to give his views live on air on her performance.
June, 2014 more
‘Dear Journalist’ – how to get a press release deleted immediately
The relationship between journalists and PRs can often be easily undermined by a badly targeted, poorly written press release, which can damage a client’s reputation.
May, 2014 more
Seeing your newspaper or magazine in the shops can be an exciting achievement for a young journalist, Erica Jones remembers her first publication day and its continued presence during her new career in PR.
April, 2014 more
The key to getting results from your PR
Nothing highlights the difference between lazy and inspired PR more than the press release frenzy that is Valentine’s Day.
February, 2014 more
Time called on newspaper photographers
As one newspaper group announces it is phasing out photographers it's increasingly important you provide a good quality image with your press release. We offer some tips to get your picture past the editor
February, 2014 more
How to prepare for a media interview
Imagine you have an interview with a journalist that could have a positive impact on your business, or perhaps mitigate the damage of a negative story – how should you prepare? Kent PR agency Maxim provides some top tips.
January, 2014 more
How to handle criticism on social media sites
Many organisations are fearful of receiving negative comments on sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Rachel Knight, who advises clients on social media at Kent PR agency Maxim, provides tips on how to handle criticism online.
January, 2014 more
Top tips to become a PR agency's perfect client
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to have worked with some great organisations but what makes the perfect client?
January, 2014 more
Reporters and editors are relatively well known, but what’s the difference between a spell checker and a sub-editor and how do the three roles work together? Maxim’s Erica Jones, a former sub-editor, explains the goings on in a newsroom.
December, 2013 more
Quick action secures press coverage
We are often telling clients that being flexible helps to secure press coverage and it is always nice to see that piece of advice being acted upon.
November, 2013 more
Boris Johnson sheds light on Li-fi thanks to Maxim
Promoting a UK technological first, showcasing sustainable school buildings and securing the support of Mayor of London Boris Johnson is all in a day's work for Maxim.
October, 2013 more
How to avoid irritating a journalist
Our top tips on how not to irritate a journalist include avoiding follow up calls and jargon.
October, 2013 more
Can fracking operator Cuadrilla turn the situation in Balcombe around, or has it, and the government, lost the middle ground? And what lessons can be learnt for others considering potentially contentious planning applications?
August, 2013 more
It looks like the nation’s ability to laugh at itself is on the decline, if the recent furore over the Marmite advert is anything to go by.
August, 2013 more
PR industry has own PR problem
Given that PR is all about developing and protecting reputations, why isn’t the industry bathed in glory? Andrew Metcalf, director at Kent PR agency Maxim, looks at the issues.
August, 2013 more
Smartphone maker BlackBerry is learning the lessons of failing to keep up with the competition from Apple and Samsung the hard way, and is now considering putting itself up for sale.
July, 2013 more
Timely challenge to influence Vatican
When Pope Benedict XVI surprised the world and resigned there was a rare opportunity for Roman Catholics seeking changes within the church to voice their opinions, spark debate and try to influence his successor. Find out how we helped.
May, 2013 more
Kent knows it is now connected to the world thanks to new twice-daily flights from Manston Airport to award-winning hub Schiphol, in Amsterdam, with Maxim playing its part by working with the county’s media to shout about the good news.
April, 2013 more
My week with the wonderful Maxim team
Student Vita Vents spent a day a week with us over a couple of months, enabling her to gain a wider variety of experience than she would have in a single week. She shares her thoughts on her time at Maxim.
March, 2013 more
Death of the deadline confirmed
With the unrelenting march of the smartphone and tablet, the great British public is getting a growing proportion of its news digitally. As a result, the deadline is now well and truly dead.
March, 2013 more
Findus fiasco is recipe for reputation damage
In the world of PR and crisis communications hindsight is a wonderful thing, especially when it comes to not falling at the first fence, as recently done by Findus.
March, 2013 more
Print versus online press coverage
Do you ever think about where your company news appears? Rachel Knight, Account Director at Maxim, considers the issues of print versus online.
February, 2013 more
We have many years’ experience working with clients to promote their good news. However, companies also need to prepare for the prospect of an event which could damage their hard earned reputation. Here are 10 issues to consider when managing a crisis.
January, 2013 more
What does 2013 hold for the media?
How will the new year pan out for the media? We've asked a selection for their thoughts.
January, 2013 more
'Thank you' reaffirms self-belief
There are occasions in an agency’s life when all the hard work you put in is more than worth it. Recently Maxim had one of those moments - read all about it here.
January, 2013 more
The visit of a government Minister can be a priceless endorsement for a business and help to raise its profile - take a look at recent examples.
December, 2012 more
Appointing a PR and marketing agency: where do you start? The first, and most important thing to do is develop and agree a brief, which is realistic, deliverable and above all is consistent with your company’s broader business plan.
December, 2012 more
Increasing your editorial profile?
Successful media relations isn't just about the news value of the individual story, it's also to do with how you present the story.
November, 2012 more
Survey shines spotlight on news consumption
Nearly a quarter of people (23%) now get their first daily news electronically via a tablet or smartphone.
September, 2012 more
How do the lessons learned over more than 20 years in the trade, including a stint at a national news agency, help Maxim's Andy Rayfield when it comes to telling our clients’ stories?
September, 2012 more
Angry Birds news flies around the world
The UK’s first Angry Birds Activity Park has been launched, attracting worldwide media coverage.
August, 2012 more
Appointing the agency is relatively easy, but the hard work’s only just begun. The challenge is how to translate news into column inches and tangible new business.
August, 2012 more
More than 100 of the world’s major media outlets covered the launch of Angry Birds Activity Parks recently, making it one of Maxim’s most successful projects to date.
June, 2012 more
Ten questions to ask your prospective PR agency
You’ve spent hours developing the brief, despatched it to a number of prospective agencies, read their proposals and shortlisted the lucky three, or four, for interview – but what questions should you ask them when you see the whites of their eyes?
June, 2012 more
PR and Press - are we really so different?
It's the perennial question asked of journalists who leave the 'sanctity' of the newsdesk to join a PR agency: Why have you sold your soul and turned to the ‘dark side’? With many of the team at Maxim being former journalists we’re very aware of the 'them and us' attitude.
February, 2012 more
'Off the record' - does it really work?
Many believe that verbally agreeing with a journalist that their comments will be ‘Off the record’ means they won’t be quoted, and therefore will be protected. However, that’s not the case in today’s 24/7 news world, and arguably never has been.
February, 2012 more
Crisis comms must have sound foundations
Excellent communication with customers, stakeholders and investors is central to good crisis management. But too often now, poor comms delivery is being used as a smokescreen to avoid addressing much more serious business issues.
October, 2011 more
Everybody likes to have people think well of them and businesses are no different. Andrew Metcalf, director at Maxim, examines the issue of a business’ reputation and its management.
January, 2011 more
It has become obvious that the UK simply cannot deal with the amount of snow that has fallen recently. We look at how quickly a reputation can be damaged.
December, 2010 more
we'd love to work with you
get in touchFormed in 1995, Maxim is one of the South East’s leading PR and marketing agencies, bringing together former journalists and highly experienced communications experts.
learn moreWe offer media relations, public affairs, community relations, corporate communications, reputation management, event management, public relations, stakeholder management, marketing and more.
learn moreOne of the best ways to get to know Maxim and the work we do is to connect with us on your preferred social media platform. Got a question? Ask away.
2025 Maxim PR & Marketing Ltd. Maxim PR & Marketing Ltd is registered in England at Kent Space, Suite 3, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent, ME5 8UD. Company Reg No: 3862042. VAT Reg No: 624 9281 29
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