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'Thank you' reaffirms self-belief

January, 2013

There are occasions in an agency’s life when all the hard work you put in is more than worth it. Recently Maxim had one of those moments, as a result of our work to help announce the arrival of twice daily flights between Manston Airport and the international hub Schiphol in Amsterdam.

Working for our client Manston Airport, and closely with KLM’s in-house PR team and its senior management, Maxim played its part in securing the attendance of the county’s media at the big announcement in the grounds of the iconic Canterbury Cathedral.

The region’s television, radio and newspapers serving the county duly arrived with Maxim on hand to manage the one-to-one interviews, alongside the airline’s PR contact Cristina Chiriac, with KLM’s Henri Hourcade and Charles Buchanan, Chief Executive of Manston.

The result was wall-to-wall Kent coverage, the audience identified by both KLM and Manston as the key priority. And through our previous contact with renowned and highly respected travel editor Simon Calder, there was also coverage in the Independent. Given the importance of reaching Kent’s business community, Maxim also engaged directly with the Chambers of Commerce, and other key players such as Visit Kent and Locate to Kent to extend the awareness of the new route.

A succesful launch

Being thanked by your client makes it all worthwhile, being thanked by your client’s customer, makes it even better.

During the event, and over a beer after the launch, it was clear that our work was much appreciated. Sometimes regional agencies go unnoticed, despite delivering strong regional coverage, and when required national or international coverage.

The PR industry is undergoing considerable change at the moment, with smaller boutique agencies being set up, in part as a lifestyle choice by talented practioners but also by those who recognise that London is not the be all and end all when it comes to good PR and marketing advice. This approach is not news to Maxim and it’s why we have, since 1995, successfully sought to serve businesses and organisations across the South East.

We believe we have the necessary skills, and that all-important local knowledge, to exceed what can be delivered by bigger national agencies. Our clients recognise what we can deliver, and are happy to speak on our behalf, the challenge is getting that message to those who are arguably seduced by London agencies.

Our work for the launch of the new KLM route reaffirmed our belief in the role of regional agencies. The message is clear: for strong press coverage you don’t always need to go to London.

Andrew Metcalf - Director

Andrew Metcalf

Maxim / Managing Director

posted in: maxim/client news, media relations,

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