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Maxim Christmas Quiz

January, 2025

Answers to our Christmas Quiz

Thank you to everyone who entered our Christmas quiz – we had some highly entertaining answers (shout out to Nic Stuart at RedRed Design for his incorrect but very funny responses: Andrew most definitely did not run the London Marathon and the unusual thing about Alice is not that she's the only team member who goes to work naked – although that is technically true).

We entered those people who answered all 10 questions correctly into a random name picker and are pleased to say Paul Prentice was the winner of £100.

We have also donated £100 to The Young Lives Foundation. We came across this Kent charity earlier this year when working on this story for our client Countrystyle Recycling and wanted to do our bit to help.

Below are the correct answers to the quiz.

1. How many miles of wrapping paper does the UK consume each year?

Around 227,000 miles of Christmas wrapping paper is thrown away every year – the equivalent of nine times around the equator.

2. Which piece of Kent infrastructure celebrated its 30th birthday in 2024?

The Channel Tunnel celebrated 30 years since it was officially opened in May 2024.

3. Which Maxim team member completed the London Marathon in 2024?

Account Director Erica Jones raised more than £10,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support when she ran the London Marathon in April 2024. You can read more about her story here.

4. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was created as a marketing tool. In what year did he first appear?

Rudolph was created in 1939 by Robert L. May as an assignment for retailer Montgomery Ward. They had been buying and giving away booklets for Christmas every year and it was decided that creating their own book would save money. May considered naming the reindeer Rollo or Reginald before deciding on the name Rudolph.

5. What national event prompted the postponement of the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards ceremony in 2024?

The General Election. The ceremony was due to take place the following day which meant many journalists wouldn’t have been able to attend. Fortunately, we were able to postpone everything for a few weeks – including a 10th anniversary party for the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards.

6. What does the ‘Brock’ in that popular Kent traffic management system stand for?

Brexit Operations Across Kent.

7. What is the motto of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council – and a good maxim for 2025?

Do well, doubt not.

8. When did Chief Morale Officer Alice join the Maxim team and what makes her an unusual team member? 

Alice is a dog – she joined the team in 2014 when she was just a puppy. She talks (woofs?) about her role here. She would also like to thank everyone who said how cute she is in their answers.

9. Who played Scrooge in ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’? (aka the best Christmas film ever made)

Michael Caine had the honour of appearing with Kermit and friends.

10. Maxim is celebrating a big birthday in 2025, how old will we be? 

Maxim was established in summer 1995 so we’re celebrating 30 years in business.


posted in: maxim/client news,

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