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Scripting the solution to an ambitious film project

February, 2025

Erica Jones, Account Director at PR agency Maxim, shares her recent experience of organising a filming project for a client.

Most of the time, my work in public relations involves writing. Usually articles, comments, communications plans, press releases… words to be read and considered, rarely spoken aloud. Recently, I took on a different kind of writing challenge: scripts for a series of short films.

The films are for a top secret event being organised by our client, the Rochester Bridge Trust, a medieval charity which uses modern technology to provide passage over, under or across the River Medway at Rochester. So for now all I can tell you about them is that they’re a series of short films that involve six different people talking to the camera. Check back in the summer for more information.

What I can tell you is the role Maxim played in making these films a reality.


My involvement in the [REDACTED] event began in the late summer of 2024, when I was invited to a planning meeting to find out more about the proposed event. During this meeting a comment was made about how good it would be to include some accompanying films.

At the time, this and a range of other [REDACTED] activities were put forward, and I was asked to come up with proposals for how to bring it to life and make it a reality.

Filming one of the participants, using the autocue.


First I had to source a film crew – CPL films was the chosen provider – and then bring together the six volunteers for two days of filming. In between these two things there was also the small task of information gathering and script-writing (which could be a whole other article in itself).

The volunteers were from a range of engineering backgrounds and many had never stepped in front of the camera before, so the film scripts had to work from a factual point of view, be engaging, and easy to deliver. Each one was tailored to the speaker to ensure they felt comfortable with what they were saying and so able to deliver the words (with help from an autocue) in a natural way.

During filming I was also on-hand to support the speakers and adjust their scripts. No matter how much preparation goes into the writing, if your speaker is a naturally fast-talker then there’s a limit to how much they can comfortably slow down their speech and so on-the-spot text revisions were needed to ensure each speaker met their allocated timings.

We'll tell you more about the people being filmed another time.

On location

The filming itself took place inside the Courtroom of the Rochester Bridge Trust’s Victorian Bridge Chamber. You won’t be surprised to learn that the room hadn’t been built to accommodate the needs of the camera, and so a temporary full studio was built within the room, blocking the light from the big picture windows and turning a large meeting space into an intimate film set.

It was fascinating to see the set under construction, and then returned to its natural state less than 48 hours later.

We’re now in the editing stage, and the first film has been submitted for review. It’s exciting to see the outcome of this work and I can’t wait to tell you all more about the full project when launch day arrives.

The historic Courtroom was transformed into a temporary modern studio.


Erica Jones - Account Director

Erica Jones

Maxim / Account Director

posted in: maxim/client news,

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